Technically equipped production facilities, advanced technologies and experienced specialists allow to solve any issues related to the repair.
We perform:
- There pair of DC random-wound motors, up to 100kW;
- Repair of 3-phase asynchronous electric motors with a voltage of up to 300kW for all types and power values with the stator winding made from round or rectangular wires;
- Repair of crane, lift and single-phase electric motors;
- Repairs of electric motors of the foreign manufacture;
- Manufacture and repair of the start-control equipment;
- Repair and modernization of power(dry-type and wet-type) transformer with a voltage of up to 220kV, furnace, welding and special-purpose transformers;
- Repair of generators;
- Repair of induction coils of the induction-heating units.
In most cases, we maintain the overall and connection dimensions (for transformers). The repair time for general-purpose industrial 3-phase electric motors is not more than 10 days. For large electric machines and transformers, the repair period is set individually after conducting troubleshooting, determining the scope of repair and developing technical documentation, as agreed with the Customer.
The cost of major repairs is up to 70% of the cost of new equipment. Warranty period is from 6 to 12 months, depending on the type of electrical equipment.